Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Home Flood Barrier

Home Flood Barrier

Over the last couple years there has been an increasing amount of flooding in the United States as well as abroad. When it comes to protecting your home using a home flood barrier, you may think that there are not many options other than sandbags, or the cheaply made (and small) home protection products that you can purchase from the local big box store.

But there is another option! Water filled cofferdams will protect your property, and the environment around it. When a water filled cofferdam is unrolled around your property and filled with water, the dam’s chambers slowly and evenly inflate, hence, forming a strong, stable cylindrical tube. While the inner tubes continue to fill, the dam unrolls in a controlled manner to create the cofferdam, creating a perfect home flood barrier that will keep your home safe , where sandbags tend to fail. a Dam-It Dams cofferdam can be created to accommodate most any size, and is completely re-usable. Best of all, it leaves little or no environmental impact on the surrounding area.

Cofferdam protecting a nature center

How do I use a cofferdam as a flood barrier at home?

The cofferdam itself is one of the five parts that comprise a typical Cofferdam System:

  • Cofferdam – a flexible yet durable water barrier made of high tech materials
  • Water discharge pumps (2) – to draw in on-site water to inflate the cofferdam(s)
  • Discharge hoses (2) – to transport water to and from the cofferdam(s)
  • Restraining ropes – to assist with the unrolling and positioning of large cofferdam systems
  • Connections – to couple together two or more cofferdams

But what about sandbags?

Sandbags are the old standby but have some serious shortcomings, and are not the best solution for your home for a few reasons:

  • Innefective for groundwater flooding
  • Must be combined with plastic sheeting to be even remotely effective
  • Time consuming and difficult to handle
  • Incredibly susceptible to leakage and seepage
  • Requires two or more people to fill
  • Slow setup rate

Read more about the need for sandbag alternatives.

A cofferdam system is a great way to minimize, or in most cases avert altogether, possible damages resulting from a flood in your home. Cofferdams are a cost effective solution to keep water out, and save you thousands in repair costs

Do you need a home flood barrier? Get a quote below!

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