Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Flooding Solutions in 2019

Flooding Solutions in 2019

Recently, the weather has been flat out dangerous to certain areas. The Midwest, the Plans, New England, these areas are facing weather more treacherous than previous winters with a Polar Vortex, heavy snow, dangerous levels of ice, snow in unexpected regions, strong winds, temperatures reaching as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, melting then freezing in repetitious cycles, and it’s still only early February!

All this precipitation will eventually melt and gardens, lawns, shrubbery, and trees will reap the benefits in the spring and present luscious foliage and be healthy and vibrant, undoubtedly! However, when the melt comes, in comes the overflowing water that the ground just cannot absorb. Bodies of water will overflow, homes and businesses will flood, mudslides will occur, and a new danger will present itself.

Of course, there are preventative measures that can be taken in residences and building structures, such as waterproofing in basements, elevating electronics off of the floor, ensuring your sump pump is functioning properly and without any hindrance, installation of a Dam-It Dams water-inflated flood barrier, etc. You can go to great lengths to ensure your interior structure is safe, but what about flooding on the property? It’s not enough to tend to the inside of your property alone.

When water overflows, it’s got to go somewhere because, with that much moisture, evaporation just doesn’t happen fast enough. The ground will drink up as much as it can in an area, and if there’s more to absorb, it will begin creeping under your home. If you have a basement and you’ve used waterproofing paint inside, great, but what if it’s old or not applied properly or not covered completely? If you don’t have a basement, I bet it’s never occurred to you to be concerned about the ground water becoming too much. When this happens, water wants to keep coming in. Water is a mighty force, so water gets what it wants, and it leaves wreckage and ruin and mold behind!

When water gets underneath your foundation, driveway, walkway, porch, or patio, that moisture needs only one more day of extra cold temperatures in order to freeze again and crack your structure! Fixes to these cracks are absolutely costly, devastating, and hazardous to the safety of those in your home or building.

That is why it is so imperative that Dam-It Dams, Inc. assist you in defending your property to our fullest capability. You stay aware of what weather conditions to expect and become prepared by preventing when you can and protecting the rest of the time. We will stay aware of the most up-to-date materials and technology and all the ways to provide our reliable cofferdam services to you in the most affordable and environmentally friendly fashion.