Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Portable Dam in Maryland

Portable Dam in Maryland

View of Portable Dam in Maryland River

A portable dam in Maryland is an environmentally friendly way to control the flow of water, and with minimal impact. Such a dam (also known as an aqua dam or portable cofferdam) is useful for a number of applications, including for construction sites where water intrusion is an issue, and as potential protection against flooding. Basically, anywhere where you do not need water to be, a portable dam in Maryland can help!

A Portable Dam in Maryland is Simple to Install and Simple to Remove

A portable dam in Maryland is typically transported to where it needs to be in a deflated state. This lessens the load considerably when compared to the materials used to construct dams that could be described as being more ‘traditional’. A portable dam in Maryland is designed to be used in water and inflated by water. This makes it an incredibly convenient solution to problems associated with water intrusion.

The internal construction of a portable dam in Maryland is achieved by using industrial strength geo-textile materials that will not puncture. The inner linings can withstand tremendous amounts of water pressure, which is necessary for whatever use your portable dam in Maryland is put to. Once in place and inflated, your Maryland portable dam will not fail.

There are plenty of potential applications for a portable dam in Maryland:

  • Dewatering construction sites
  • Dock or ramp repair
  • Flood control
  • Flood protection
  • Hazardous substances control
  • Pond liner repair
  • River diversion
  • Water Storage

The most beneficial aspect of a portable dam in Maryland is that it is completely reusable. Once the need for the portable dam is over, the water can be allowed to flow or be pumped out of it until it is deflated. It can then be cleaned, removed from the site and placed into storage, ready for the next time it is required.

A portable dam in Maryland also makes minimal impact to the surrounding environment, especially in comparison to the ‘traditional’ solutions for water intrusion issues. This is essential especially when it comes to construction projects which need to keep environmental destruction down to a minimum.

For a Portable Dam in Maryland, The Correct Choice is to Contact Dam-It-Dams

If you have a water intrusion issue that requires solving, and you wish to consider the use of a portable cofferdam in Maryland, then the people you need to be speaking to can be found at Dam-It-Dams. Why not contact us today? We can be reached by phone at 810-695-1695, or you can contact us online here.