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How Cofferdams Can Be Used for Dune Protection

How Cofferdams Can Be Used for Dune Protection

Sand dunes are an important part of the natural landscape. Sand is deposited via water or wind over a long period of time to create mounds or hills. The dunes provide natural protection against high waves and storm surges in coastal areas. They also help to prevent flooding and give man-made structures protection while creating an important natural habitat.

Also, over time, dunes tend to migrate as coastlines evolve. Usually, it is the best policy to allow this to happen naturally but, on some occasions, the protection created by the dunes is so crucial that it is best that they are protected, which is where water filled cofferdams come in.

Dune Protection Around the Globe is Becoming Increasingly Important

Globally, important areas of sand dunes are under attack from some of the effects of climate change, including raised sea levels and extreme weather events. To help prevent dune erosion, a water filled cofferdam can be installed to decelerate the erosion of a dune and help to stop dune erosion altogether.

A cofferdam system is typically used to contain a dune while other methods of dune protection are implemented. If a dune is being eroded because of raised sea levels, then a cofferdam can be used to create a temporary barrier between the sea and the dune while the dune is strengthened.

Even if the dune is not being affected by raised sea levels then it can be difficult to work on a dune restoration project because of tides.  By using a water filled cofferdam, a permanently dry environment can be created so that work can continue without the interruption of tidal variation.

Water Filled Cofferdams Create a Safe, Secure and Dry Working Environment

There are several ways in which a dune can be replenished or protected. The planting of vegetation is one way to help strengthen the dune. Another is the installation of fencing, or just by adding sand and sediment. If there is a great need for dune protection, then a sea wall can be installed. All these solutions require time and effort, and of course a safe and secure working environment, which the use of water filled cofferdams can provide.

If you would like to learn more about how cofferdams can be used for dune protection, then please speak to us here at Dam-It-Dams. We can be contacted by phone at 1-810-695-1695. You can also use our online contact form to reach us via email.