Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Why Our Connection Collar is So Critical to the Success of our Cofferdams

Why Our Connection Collar is So Critical to the Success of our Cofferdams

Over the last few years here at Dam-It-Dams the popularity of our water-filled cofferdams has really exploded. When it comes to water intrusion issues people are beginning to seek alternatives to traditional methods – solutions that are kinder to the environment and are much more cost-effective. Our water-filled cofferdams fit both those necessities perfectly.

However, there is one feature of our cofferdams that has really contributed to our success – our connection collar system. With this system it is possible to extend a water-filled cofferdam to whatever length you need it to be.

No Matter Your Water Intrusion Scope, Our Connection Collar Cofferdam System can Cope!

A cofferdam is a durable water barrier that is made of high-tech materials. It is flexible so that positioning and placing the cofferdam is extremely easy. Once it is in place, water discharge pumps are used to fill the cofferdam and inflate it. When it is inflated the water-filled cofferdam will create an impenetrable barrier capable of withstanding high levels of water pressure.

The cofferdams supplied by the team here at Dam-It-Dams are available in a variety of lengths, but they are not infinite! This may lead you to ask the question as to what happens if you have a water-intrusion need that’s longer than the longest cofferdam that we can supply you with? The answer to that is a simple one – you just fit two (or more) of our cofferdams together using our unique connection collar system.

With our connection collar system, you can connect together as many cofferdams as you so wish. Our connection collars are critical to the success of our cofferdams as they connect separate cofferdams without creating any weaknesses or points of stress. The collars are as sturdy as our cofferdams themselves.

There truly is no limit to the dimensions that our cofferdams can extend to. Even if you need a cofferdam to extend to a length of many miles, we can provide the ideal solution for you, thanks to the connection collar we can supply along with our water-filled cofferdams.

Our Water-Filled, Collar-Connected Cofferdams Will Suit Your Water Intrusion Needs

If you would like to learn more about what the water-filled cofferdams that can be provided by Dam-It-Dams, then we would be extremely excited to talk to you. Here at Dam-It-Dams we can be contacted by phone at 1-810-695-1695, or you can receive a free quote or make an inquiry through our online contact form.