Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

How Are Dam-It-Dams Inflatable Cofferdams Different Than the Competition

How Are Dam-It-Dams Inflatable Cofferdams Different Than the Competition

There are plenty of companies that compete in any business sector. Some of these companies are successful, while others flounder and make steady losses. The question is – what separates the two?

The two main plusses of a successful company are the quality of their products, and the quality of their services – and those are two aspects of Dam-It-Dams in which we, as a company, have constantly excelled.

Work With Dam-It-Dams And You Are Guaranteed Quality – Both In Product And Service

Cofferdams provide an ideal solution to the three ‘Ds’ of water intrusion – diversion, damming and dewatering. They are tubes that are easily moved to where they are needed and then inflated with water to create a structure capable of withstanding outstanding amounts of water pressure.

You may think a cofferdam is a cofferdam is a cofferdam, but that simply is not true. Low-quality cofferdams can be punctured by the debris that the water they are helping control contains and then leak. Puncture repair is not easy, as the puncture is usually below the surface of the water.

You will have no problems with puncturing with an inflatable cofferdam from Dam-It-Dams. Our cofferdams are made from industrial-strength geo-textile materials that are extremely puncture-resistant.

There Is No Job That Is Too Big For A Dam-It-Dams Inflatable Cofferdam

Our cofferdams are not just about reliability – there’s the adaptability factor as well. You may have seen cofferdam applications where the cofferdams continue on for incredible distances. You may then be asking the question ‘who makes cofferdams of such dimensions?’. That question has quite a simple answer – we do!

The cofferdams manufactured by us come with a unique connection ability. Thanks to our connection collar system, we can supply a cofferdam of any length imaginable. Our cofferdams are suitable for barriers from 1 to 12 feet in height, and from 2 to 23 feet in width.

Don’t forget about all the usual benefits with using a cofferdam over alternatives such as sandbags. They are reusable, making them very cost-effective. They are also very eco-friendly as they cause little disturbance to the environment in which they are placed, and – unlike sandbags – do not have to be disposed of safely when their use is over because of contamination.

If you would like to learn more about the superior inflatable cofferdams that can be supplied by us here at Dam-It-Dams, then please contact us at 1-810-695-1695, or apply for a free, no-obligation cofferdam quote on our website.