Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Inflatable Cofferdams 101 – What is Dewatering?

Inflatable Cofferdams 101 – What is Dewatering?

You may have heard of the term ‘dewatering’ and wondered what, precisely it means. It is a general term for the removal of water? If you ‘detox’ you remove toxins from your body, or if you ‘declutter’ you remove clutter from your residence, so surely if you ‘dewater’ you remove water from where you don’t need it to be.

‘Dewatering’ does indeed mean the removal of water, but it usually is only used for large-scale applications. If you remove the plug from the bathtub after a long soak you don’t usually say you have ‘dewatered’ the bath, after all!

Dewatering is a Term for the Removal of Water for the Purpose of Large-scale Applications

Dewatering is generally used to refer to the process of the removal of water from an area but can also be used to refer to the diversion or control of water currents too. Usually, dewatering occurs to help ensure the safety of construction or repair sites where water is a hinderance. Commonly, dewatering occurs for bridge repairs, dam construction, boat ramp maintenance, pipeline placement and the installation of utility lines. Basically, anywhere where the removal of water would make a job both easier and less hazardous to complete, dewatering is the answer.

Water is usually removed by storing it elsewhere or discharging it to an appropriate location. As an alternative, flowing water may be temporary diverted. The safe removal of water helps with the prevention of issues such as flooding and erosion. There are plenty of ways that dewatering can be achieved, but one of the most effective ways of dewatering for construction projects is with inflatable cofferdams.

Inflatable Cofferdams are the Most Effective Way of Dewatering Construction Projects

Inflatable cofferdams are designed to be both portable and temporary, making them the most convenient and effective way of securing the dewatering process for construction projects. Constructed using a sturdy fabric such as vinyl or polyester (or some combination of the two), cofferdams are placed into position and then inflated by having water pumped into them. Such cofferdams are very flexible, meaning they can be ‘molded’ to most shapes and configurations as needed. If care is taken with inflatable cofferdams, they can be used time and time again, making them both a convenient and cost-effective choice.

To learn more about inflatable cofferdams and their usefulness when it comes to dewatering, you need to contact our team at Dam-It-Dams. Contact us at by phone at 810-695-1693, or online here.