Oil and chemical spills are almost always hazardous. They pose a threat both to the health of any humans affected by the spill, and a threat to the local natural habitat including all animal and plant life.
Sadly, oil and chemical spills happen more commonly than you probably think. Someone may make a mistake when transferring oil between containers. Chemical containers can corrode and leak over time. A natural disaster such as a hurricane or a flood can wreak havoc on oil and chemical containment facilities.
You Need to React Fast in Order to Minimize the Damage an Oil Spill can Cause
If an oil or chemical spill should occur, the inquests can be saved for later. The first step once the source of the spill has been identified and dealt with is to contain the spill so as little danger is created and as little damage is done as possible. Using water-inflated cofferdams is an ideal way of containing an oil or chemical spill.
The main hazard with an oil spill occurs when the oil comes into contact with a source of water. As every elementary chemical student knows, oil and water do not mix. If the oil encounters a large body of water such as a lake or river, then it will spread out over the water as it cannot sink or mix. This slick – as it is known – may become so thin that its thickness is down to a single molecule.
Plants, mammals, fish and birds especially do not cope at all if they become covered in oil. An oil-covered bird is unable to fly, meaning that it cannot move easily in its search for food, and also becomes easy prey for its enemies.
Deploying a Water-Inflated Cofferdam to Contain an Oil Spill is Quick and Easy
The best way to prevent an oil spill that finds a source of water from becoming a hazard is by containment. A quick dam or barrier needs to be deployed in order to stop the oil from spreading. In bodies of water, there is no quicker deployment system than a water-inflated cofferdam. They are easy to transport and easy to maneuver into place. Once anchored, water can be used to inflate the cofferdam so that it expands and forms a sturdy barrier, containing the oil so that the damage the spill causes is kept to a minimum.
If you like to learn more about water-inflated cofferdams, please give the cofferdam experts at Dam-It-Dams a call. We can be contacted at 1-810-695-1695, or online through our contact form.