Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Why Contractors Choose Inflatable Cofferdams for Bridge Repair

Why Contractors Choose Inflatable Cofferdams for Bridge Repair

Bridge repair often presents some of the most unique and difficult challenges of most any construction project. Given that much of the work often has to be done on components that are submerged in water, one of the early decisions contractors have to make is how to create a safe and dry work area.

While there are several options available for dewatering a work site, there is one in particular that rises above the others – inflatable cofferdams.

An Inflatable Cofferdam Features Lower Cost and Quicker Installation

Installing an inflatable cofferdam provides a unique and temporary solution for granting access below the waterline in order to make repairs. Typical cofferdams require penetrating the ground and installing several different materials.

These options increase the subsurface risk due to the piling required, which can drive up the effect on the environment, increase the overall cost of the project, and lengthen the schedule. However, an inflatable cofferdam is easily installed and removed quickly without the need for disturbing the existing environment.

Therefore, inflatable cofferdams provide temporary and affordable access to areas that are otherwise submerged for the length of the bridge repair. This effective seal around the worksite can be installed on virtually any type of lake or riverbed.

Inflatable Cofferdams are a Wise and Environmentally Conscious Investment

Rather than using earthen materials by unsettling the existing environment or paying for them to be shipped in from offsite, inflatable cofferdams offset both of these requirements by using water as the fill material, which is readily available at the site already. The water is returned when the project is complete, and the inflatable cofferdam can be quickly removed with nearly zero impact.

The seemingly difficult hurdle of repairing bridges that require concrete work or welding on parts currently underwater is easily cleared thanks to an inflatable cofferdam from a provider like Dam-It-Dams.

The ease of installation and removal does not in any way negate the effectiveness of an inflatable cofferdam thanks to the nearly puncture-proof geo-textile material of an inflatable cofferdam. The ability to be stored using minimal space and reused multiple times over for different types of jobs across different sites also make inflatable cofferdams a great choice for bridge repair.

Find out how you can provide access below the waterline for your bridge repair crews with an inflatable cofferdam by calling Dam-It-Dams at 810-695-1695 or request a quote online today!