Safety Tips When Using a Cofferdam
When you use a water filled cofferdam, you must make sure that you are using it safely. Regulations exist that you need to adhere to when using a cofferdam. If you deviate from these regulations, you could find yourself facing penalties and punishment. Naturally, you will want your experience with a water filled cofferdam to ...
Using a Cofferdam for Pool Repair and Maintenance
Large swimming pools – the kind provided at commercial as opposed to residential sites – often develop faults such as cracks in the pool walls. Naturally, it is practically impossible to make repairs to pools while there is still water inside them. This usually means only one thing – that the entire pool has to ...
Why Use a Water-Filled Cofferdam?
There are countless reasons why you might need some type of water intrusion solution. Perhaps you need to work on a construction project involving a bridge or boat ramp. Maybe you are dealing with a flooded area, or you are seeking protection for an area that is in danger of being flooded. There are plenty ...
What to Consider When Building a Boat Ramp
There are many aspects to the job of constructing a boat ramp that need to be considered. For example, you will need to think about the type and size of the boats that will be launched, the design and construction of the ramp, and any permits that need to be secured. You will also, of ...
Differences Between Traditional and Inflatable Cofferdams
If you work in a business sector where water intrusion is an issue for you, then you are probably aware of a structure called a cofferdam. This is, traditionally, a temporary structure that is constructed in order to divert water or create a dewatering area. Once the structure’s use is complete, it is deconstructed and ...
Protect Your Business from Flooding with Inflatable Cofferdams
There seems to have been an increase in the amount of flooding occasions of late, all over the United States. If you feel there is even the slightest chance that your business might be at risk because of flooding, then you need to be prepared. If your business suffers a flood and you haven’t made ...
How are Inflatable Cofferdams Commonly Used?
A cofferdam is a watertight structure that has been specifically designed to aid construction projects in areas where water needs to be removed, usually temporarily. If water is not removed then construction is difficult, and workers may be exposed to multiple hazards. Here are some examples of how inflatable cofferdams are commonly used, and how ...
How Much Do Inflatable Cofferdams Cost?
When you are talking about the cost of an inflatable cofferdam, you may as well be asking how long is a piece of string? An inflatable cofferdam is a flexible, reusable tool that can be used in a number of different applications. When you are thinking about the cost of an inflatable cofferdam, you’d be ...
How Dam-It-Dams Water Filled Dams Save Time and Money
One saying that everyone is familiar with is the phrase “time is money’. If you are in business then the more time you waste, the more money you waste – it really is as simple as that. Of course, the opposite is also true – the more time you have, the more money you are ...
Common Tips for Diverting Water on Your Construction Site
For a construction project to be a successful one, you will need your site to be completely dry. Water intrusion is a common problem when it comes to construction sites, and in many cases it is not possible to completely stop the flow of water. In such cases the alternative is to block the water ...