Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Key Characteristics of Inflatable Cofferdams

Key Characteristics of Inflatable Cofferdams

Inflatable cofferdams are not a new product, by any means. Some form of inflatable cofferdam has been used for over forty years, and modern inflatable cofferdams have been in regular use for the last two decades. Inflatable cofferdams are portable dams that are perfect for a large number of dewatering applications.

If you are wishing to be educated about inflatable cofferdams (which, of course, everyone should be!), then perhaps the best way is for you to learn about some of the key characteristics of inflatable cofferdams, and we illustrate all the key characteristics below.

Custom Inflatable Cofferdam Layouts Available Due to Flexible Design

Inflatable cofferdams are truly flexible. This means that no matter the scope and dimensions of your dewatering needs, cofferdams can be molded to suit. Even for large scale applications, a number of cofferdams can be fitted together in order to provide a barrier of the necessary dimensions.

Subsurface Remains Undisturbed

Once major criticism of traditional damming methods is that they cause too much disturbance to the local environment. The waterbed and surrounding areas are disturbed, allowing rocks, soil, silt, and debris to enter the water stream. While this does not sound like too much of an issue, all this debris has to collect somewhere, and where it does can cause problems such as flooding and the blocking of inlets, outlets and sewage systems.

Speedy Inflatable Cofferdam Installation is Always Achievable

No doubt you will be well aware of the saying that time is money. Erecting a temporary structure from metal or concrete to act as a dam is indeed a lengthy process, therefore it is also a costly one. That cost doubles when you think about removing the structure too. Inflatable cofferdams can be installed quickly and then removed just as quickly, saving you both time and, as a result, money.

Inflatable Cofferdams can be Reused

An inflatable cofferdam is not a single use only investment. As long as you take care of your cofferdam, keep it clean, store it correctly and are quick to make any necessary repairs, the cofferdam can be used time and time again. You should look at any purchase of a cofferdam as an investment, as opposed to being a one-time purchase (although of course you can rent inflatable cofferdams too).

There are even more advantages to inflatable cofferdams and if you want to learn more, please contact us at Dam-It-Dams.

Contact us at by phone at 810-695-1695, or online here.