Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Reduce Environmental Impact on Constructions Sites with Water Filled Cofferdams

Reduce Environmental Impact on Constructions Sites with Water Filled Cofferdams

If there is one thing that the increasing number of wild weather events has shown us, it’s the fact that man and nature must live in harmony if both are to survive. While man has the ability to shape nature at his will, shaping nature too much creates an imbalance, and it’s an imbalance that can be devastating. Therefore, it’s the best policy to be as friendly to the environment as possible.

If you are involved in construction, then you already know that it’s best to keep your impact upon the environment down to a minimum. However, if you are working in or around water, you also know that you have an immediate problem. How can you be ‘kind’ to the environment when you have to divert or dam a natural source of water?

Traditional Water Intrusion Solutions Have a Strong Environmental Impact

There are a number of solutions to dewatering or water intrusion, but the most ‘traditional’ one involves the use of sandbags or a temporary construction project, such as a steel or concrete barrier. Unfortunately, neither of these solutions can qualify as being kind to the environment.

Sandbags typically have a single-use lifespan. If they are in place for some time then they will become contaminated, which means they can never be used again. They have to be exposed of safely too and in line with strict regulations.

A steel or concrete dam or barrier becomes a construction project in itself. If you are trying to limit the environmental impact of your construction project, then preceding it with a ‘mini’ construction project first is not the way to go! Also, such constructions have to be removed once your project is over, creating even more of an impact.

The Ideal, Environmentally Friendly Solution is a Water Filled Cofferdam from Dam-It-Dams

Fortunately, there is an environmentally friendly solution to dewatering and water intrusion – the water filled cofferdam. These dams are simply transported to where they need to be, put in place and then inflated by having water pumped into them. Once their use is over the water is pumped out, and the cofferdam is removed and then stored until the time comes for it to be used again. The environmental impact of a water filled cofferdam is minimal to say the least, plus such dams can be used time and time again.

To learn more about the benefits of water filled cofferdams, contact us here at Dam-It-Dams by phone at 1-810-695-1695 or online through our contact form.