Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Save Money With Inflatable Cofferdam Rental

Save Money With Inflatable Cofferdam Rental

There is no doubt that when it comes to dewatering solutions, temporary water storage and flooding protection there is no better solution than an inflatable cofferdam. A cofferdam is a water-inflated barrier that provides protection against water intrusion. It keeps water out from where water is not needed, and keeps water in when water is needed to be stored.

Despite being much more cost-effective than other solutions such as the construction of temporary concrete or steel barriers, the purchase of an inflatable cofferdam is still a sizable investment. Happily, there is a solution to the expense of purchasing an inflatable cofferdam, and that is inflatable cofferdam rental.

There Are Countless Advantages With The Use Of Inflatable Cofferdams

Unlike many inflatable cofferdams, the cofferdams manufactured by Dam-It-Dams are not only available for rental, they are designed and built to withstand the pressure of being put into use countless times. This means that when you rent an inflatable cofferdam from us, you will be renting an item that is as good now as it was the first time it was used.

An inflatable cofferdam that is available for rent from Dam-It-Dams is constructed using a sturdy dual inner tube system. When the time comes to put them into action, water is gradually pumped into the inner tubes until they are inflated to a suitable pressure. This will create a barrier that water – no matter how much of it – simply cannot penetrate. Thanks also to our connection collar system, a number of our cofferdams can be fitted together to create a barrier of virtually any length imaginable.

You Could Save Even More Money By Purchasing An Inflatable Cofferdam

Once you have completed your first rental of an inflatable cofferdam the likelihood is you have understood the effectiveness and reliability of this dewatering or water intrusion solution. If you feel that you will need to rent an inflatable cofferdam at frequent intervals in the future, then perhaps you ought to consider the purchase of an inflatable cofferdam instead? That way, your cofferdam is ready to ‘roll out’ just whenever you need it!

If you would like to inquire about inflatable cofferdam rental, or if you are considering the purchase of an inflatable cofferdam, then the team at Dam-It-Dams is here to help. You can contact us by phone at 1-810-695-1695 or for an online quote or inquiry use the contact form available on our website.