Water-Inflated Cofferdam for TV Show Curse of Oak Island

Tips When Installing and Removing Inflatable Cofferdams

Tips When Installing and Removing Inflatable Cofferdams

Inflatable cofferdams are among the most versatile, eco-friendly, and safest dewatering and flood protection options. When working in areas where water intrusion or flooding is a concern, a cofferdam can offer a safe and reliable source of protection for crews and equipment. However, as with any large construction tool, there are inherent dangers if misused. Read the following for a collection of some of the most important tips when installing or removing an inflatable cofferdam.

1) Call A Cofferdam Installation Expert At Dam It Dams

The professionals at Dam-It-Dams can assist with any project, big or small. When starting a new project, you should almost always consult an expert who can assist in tailoring your cofferdams to fit the project’s needs. Failure to do so could lead to dangerous working conditions, improper equipment, and the possibility of fines.

2) Use The Correct Size Of Cofferdam For Your Project

Here at Dam-It-Dams, our dam sizes can vary from 1 ft in depth up to 12 ft tall. Additionally, a dam can be over fifty feet wide, depending upon the project’s needs. Any size cofferdam can be custom fabricated or connected to another of similar size, ensuring the perfect size for any project. No two projects are alike, and ensuring the use of a correctly sized inflatable dam will ensure the success of a project.

3) Clear The Water Bed

Ideally, the ground beneath where you install the dam should be as level as possible to ensure a good seal on the bottom of the cofferdam. Depending upon the usage and location of the cofferdam, crews must clear all large jagged rocks, fallen trees, and any other impediments below the surface away. Additionally, small stones can be replaced upstream to increase dam stability.

4) Respect The Space Of The Cofferdam

Work crews should stay a minimum of ten feet from the cofferdam. While the chances of a rupture on a properly installed dam are low, it can shift with the tide or heat conditions. The cofferdam should be placed well behind where work is being done to ensure the safety of workers and equipment. For additional security, crews working near an inflatable cofferdam should carry a knife or other cutting instrument at all times in the unlikely event of a shifting dam.

5) Never Drag Or Move A Cofferdam After Installation

Dragging a cofferdam can result in tears or excess damage to the dam. Because inflatable cofferdams from Dam-It-Dams are reusable, it’s vital that proper precautions are taken to prolong the life of these highly versatile dewatering tools.

6) Inflatable Cofferdam Removal Tips

Removal of a cofferdam is a standard procedure that, while less complex than installation, still has several complicated processes and guidelines that you should follow, including:

  • Have a plan for removal, even before the cofferdam installation.
  • Have at least three workers for any installation and removal, with up to seven on larger projects.
  • Remove larger cofferdams with an excavator to reduce the likelihood of damage or injury.
  • On removal of the cofferdam, you should position the straps as close to the closed end as possible. Otherwise, water may become trapped inside.
  • Always move the cofferdam slowly when lifting it to drain water.
  • If one or more dams are connected, drain and disassemble couplings from the outermost cofferdam first.
  • Do NOT drag the cofferdam to ensure reusability.
  • Smaller cofferdams can be easily removed and rolled up for reuse.

Call Dam It Dams For All Your Cofferdam Needs

Are you in need of a new cofferdam or looking to rent an inflatable cofferdam? Dam-It-Dams has several expert consultants who can assist with any project. Call us today at 810-695-1695 or contact us at [email protected] to receive a free inflatable cofferdam quote.

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